Riding the Post-Baby Relationship Rollercoaster 

a couple and new parents holding a baby

Hey, all you new parents out there! Isn't bringing a bub home just the most magical thing? You're floating in this love bubble, right? But then, outta nowhere, some unexpected relationship hiccups pop that bubble. You're not alone! It's like the universe forgot to slip in the user manual on maintaining relationship spark while dealing with baby spit-ups and sleepless nights. So, here's my take on the top challenges most of us face and how to, you know, keep the love glowing.

1. Suddenly, We're Out of Words:

   Remember those late-night heart-to-hearts and spontaneous dates? And then boom, a cute tiny human comes along, and we're all about nappy and feeding talks.

   How to Fix It: Make time to just... chat. Not about baby stuff. Reconnect. Reminisce. Dream.

2. Where’s that Spark Gone?:

   Babies are exhausting (no news flash here), and sometimes we're just too tired for... well, anything.

   How to Fix It: Small gestures count. A hug, a compliment, a surprise coffee. The big zing will be back before you know it!

3. Wallet Woes:

   Babies are tiny but, man, do they come with a big price tag!

   How to Fix It: Budgeting. It's not sexy, but it helps. Also you don't need anywhere near as much as they tell you and second hand ios great for the environment and the hip pocket. 

4. Parenting: Your Way vs. My Way:

   Ever realize you and your partner are on different parenting pages? Welcome to the club.

   How to Fix It: Take a parenting class together or just chat it out. Find that middle ground. Be open to really hearing each other. 

5. Missing the Parties:

   Pre-baby: Parties, trips, hangouts. Post-baby: Netflix and... nap.

   How to Fix It: Plan mini catch-ups. Coffee dates, short outings. Stay connected!

6. Who Does More? The Never-Ending Debate:

   With baby chores added, the "I do more" debate gets real.

   How to Fix It: Divide and conquer. Make a list, split it up. And hey, maybe get some help if you can. Postpartum Doula’s are the bomb!

Look, becoming a parent is like getting on the wildest, most rewarding ride of your life. Sure, there are ups and downs, but as Mignon McLaughlin once put it, "To have a successful marriage, you have to fall in love many times, but always with the same person." Let's ride this rollercoaster hand in hand and heart to heart. 


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